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Chokeless (Anti-clogging) floor trap cover - hair trap

This chokelss floor trap was designed to replace the existing floor trap cover. The existing floor trap holes are big and hinged on the base. The gap of the hinge is where the cockroaches enter. By removing the cover and replace it with this chokeless floor trap will serve a few purposes. Firstly, it traps hairs at the center reservoir and water still flowing through from the top water outlet. Secondly, the cover is now removable for easy cleaning. Most of all, the floor trap hole are now fully covered without any gap for cockroaches. This is the fastest way to solve the issues. However, the chokeless floor trap is still best fit with the chokeless floor trap base SS-016. House owners can consider to replace the base when doing renovation.


Singapore shop outlets:

Not all outlets have all the models. The available models are updated at the outlet list as accurate as possible. Buyers are advised to call before visit.

Online platforms:

Order from this platforms. Prices are difference for each platform due to the platform charges and delivery fees.



  • Chokeless Design.
  • Removable.
  • Small holes to trap hairs.
  • No more wet floor

  • Specification
  • White Color.
  • Strainer Size 85mm.
  • Polycarbonate with fibreglass.
  • Floor outlets size 90mm.
  • Free zone area of 140mm in diameter.
  • Hanging box packing.
  • Weight per piece: 72 (g).

  • Tested by TUV SUD PSB Singapore: 7191055524-MEC13-LHF.

Note: Important dimensions for fitting.

Fitting Measurement: The size of your floor trap hole should be bigger than 85 mm in diameter. No obstacle or undulating surface around the floor trap in the area of 140 mm in diameter.
How to install: Remove the original floor trap cover and replace it with the Chokeless floor trap. Use a flat screw driver to pry open the cover if needed.
How to use: During showers, hair will flow towards the Chokeless floor trap. Remove the hair before they dry off.

Other Applications

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Quick fix
This chokeless floor trap was designed for 150x150mm floor trap. You don�t have to engage installer to hack your floor. What you need to do is to remove the existing cover using a screw driver and replace it with this floor trap.

4" kitchen sink waste
I visited a customer unit to check out the size of the kitchen sink waste. Normally, the sink waste is either 2.5" or 3.5". This one is the biggest I have seen so far. It is about 4" in diameter. For this type, it has to use floor trap instead. The size is just right.
Problem solved!

Rats issue!!
During the 33rd Trade Expo Indonesia, there was a customer purchased the chokeless floor trap to trap the hairs in the shower room. It does resolve the hairs issue but it creates another issue. Over there, the drainage pipe goes out to the open area outside the house. Rats are able to get into the house and push open the floor trap. Due to the removable design of the floor trap that is meant for easy clean, it does not able to block the rats.After much discussion, I suggested to the customer to block the rats at the open end outside the house and keep the floor trap removable for easy cleaning.
This has resolved the customer issue and I have another happy customer.
Installation guide for Square floor trap
For the floor trap with edges, modification of the Chokeless floor trap model number SS-010 is needed.
Following are the steps.
Step 1: Use an A4 size paper to cut a square hole template that match your existing floor trap.
Step 2: Trace the square hole on the chokeless floor trap.
Step 3: Use a cutter to cut the edges.

Installation guide for new HDB floor trap
For the floor trap with edges, modify the Chokeless sink strainer model number SS-004 to fit the floor trap.
Following are the steps.
Step 1: Use an A4 size paper to cut a square hole template that match your existing floor trap.
Step 2: Trace the square hole on the chokeless sink strainer.
Step 3: Use a cutter to cut the edges.


Frequently Asked Questions

question May 08 2022 @ 19:52:02pm
answer May 08 2022 @ 07:52:05pm