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Distributor portal

Company Name: TECHMETRY Trading
Address: Hanthawaddy street, Hanthawaddy housing
SouthOkkalapa Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Contact Person: Win Htut Hlaing
Email: winhhlaing@gmail.com

Distributor Centers:
   Market sectors
This webpage talks about the market sectors that distributors should explore. There are many different opportunities in various sectors.

   Main brand price list
This is the price list quoted to your company as the distributor by Dot Design Pte Ltd.

   Eco-brand price list
This is the price list quoted to your company as the distributor by Dot Design Pte Ltd.

Shipping rate
This weight calculates works out the total weight of your order quantity. You can eventually submit for official quotation for the order with the shipping rate.

The prices information are in this folder for the distributors. It is confidential and just for the registered distributors.

   Invoices and Credit Notes
This Dropbox folder consists of the invoices and credit notes grouped by month. Delete the files after download.

Aging invoices and Credit Notes summary
This open invoices and credit notes summary is for your verification and reference.
   Invoices and Credit Notes
This Dropbox folder consists of the invoices and credit notes grouped by month. Delete the files after download.

Aging invoices and Credit Notes summary
This open invoices and credit notes summary is for your verification and reference.

Other Marketing guides
There many other marketing information in this folder for your explore. Feel free to write to Dot Design for any enquiry.

Available online platforms:
These are your local online platforms searched from the internet. They are your potential platforms for the products. Try to list the products there for market survey, and direct selling.

Social media:

   Your Facebook Page
There are many interest groups in the Facebook looking for products and services. So, join the specific groups that need our products so to target specific buyers.
You can also create the interest group to attract users.

   Dot Design Facebook
This is the Dot Design’s Facebook. Do like, follow, and share. The more we share, the more followers we will have.

   Need more social media tools?
Learn more social media tools that you have not explored.

Seller Center:
   Seller price list
This is the price list recommended by Dot Design for your resellers and market list price. You may show this price list to the resellers as the market price guide

   country webpage
This webpage consists of information about the distributors and resellers in your country. It creates awareness of your present in the local. Buyers will search on the internet for the products and look for any local sellers. So. please keep the information updated by email to dotd3sign@yahoo.com. This web page will be updated accordingly.
This will help you to get more sales.
   Product information
This Dropbox folder consists of product price list, Flyers, and barcodes. They are open information for the market. So, please use them for market awareness.

   Purchase Order Generator
This generator is to assist sellers to order the stock on webpage. There are model photos for easy identification. Order quantities confirmation page will be generated for review before send out. The order can be sent out by email or Whatsapp.
Order will then prepared and shown in photo to seller to verify before delivered.
Please write in to request this order generator for your company. The webpage logo and email will be modified to your company. It will then be a new webpage just for your company.