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Tony Shop SOB portal

Social Media:

CNI website

CNI Facebook
Facebook is the social medie that allows buyers to follow and keep updated on the product information.

This Youtube channel captured all the video for the SOB listing. Video is the best way to promote the products.


Seller Centers:

Sales orders
This folder consists of the sales statements from all the online platforms, NTUC pick-ups, RedMart pick-ups, and expired returns for the year of 2020.

Delete them after download to keep the folders clean.

Web-base inventory
This is the text-base database using the text files to manage the incoming and outgoing data without any commercial database like SQL.

Any incoming and outgoing stock will be scanned and updated to the web server. Therefore the data shown on the web page will be the real time data.

** Under construction & Testing **

Listing product information
This folder consists of the product information forms of the listed products. To improve the sales, improve on the product information like application photos, write ups, list prices, and videos.

Listing and improvement forms
This Excel form is used to consolidate all the product information for easy of listing to the various online platforms. To improve the sales, revisit the form and improve on the application photos, write up, videos, and prices.

Look out for video guides in the form.