Seller portal
Seller's social media: |
Social media: |
Seller's online platforms: |
The Extreme Enterprise online | |
Shopee |
Freight Forwarders: |
Seller Center: |
Price list This is the price list quoted to your company as the seller by Dot Design Pte Ltd. | |
Recommended list price in RM This is the recommended selling price in your local currency. Please survey your market and adjust accordingly. | |
country webpage This webpage consists of information about the distributors and resellers in your country. It creates awareness of your present in the local. Please keep the information updated by email to This web page will be updated accordingly. | |
Product information This Dropbox folder consists of product price list, Flyers, and barcodes. | |
Purchase Order Generator This generator is to assist sellers to order the stock on webpage. There are model photos for easy identification. Order quantities confirmation page will be generated for review before send out. The order can be sent out by email or Whatsapp. Order will then prepared and shown in photo to seller to verify before delivered. | |
| Statement of account Print, view, and monitor invoices and credits online. |
| Web-based inventory (The Extreme Enterprise) This is the Web-based inventory using the text files to manage the incoming and outgoing data without any commercial database like SQL. Any incoming and outgoing stock will be scanned and updated to the web server. Therefore the data shown on the web page will be the real time data. There is a function of grouping allows users to group different brand or supplier products for easy monitoring. Dot Design created this online inventory system for distributors and resellers to manage the stock. It is not limited to products from Dot Design but also can be used for other brand if it is not confidential. Dot Design welcome suggestions and feedbacks to improve the system. |
| Web-base Accounting and Bookkeeping (Kevin) This is the text-based accounting and bookkeeping programme without using any commercial database like SQL. This folder is for the above mentioned company. It is still under construction and will last for the next few months or years. Feel free to give your comments. For now, the stock inventeory is in operation. The rest are under delevopmnet mode. Please take note. ** Beta release ** |
Still have questions? Chat with the inventor: |