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Well3 Neoganik Vegetable Powder

Well3 Neoganik is a unique and advanced naturopathic formulation that provides balanced nutrients rich in both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre to support digestive health for those with modern lifestyle.
Product Benefits


SGD 33.9

Model: neoganik
Barcode: 010528
Product Benefits

• Promotes bowel movement regularity and relieves constipation.
• Colon cleansing and detoxification.
• Lowers blood cholesterol level.
• Helps control blood glucose level.
• Regulates blood pressure.
• Aids in weight management.

Well3 Neoganik Vegetable Powder 30's (tonyshop) Constipation Relief
• Constipation Relief

Well3 Neoganik is a unique and advanced naturopathic formulation that provides balanced nutrients rich in both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre to support digestive health for those with modern lifestyle.

Product Features
1. Formulated with natural ingredients from Montana, USA that is pollution-free

Well3 Neoganik Vegetable Powder is formulated with natural ingredients from Montana’s most productive agricultural area. The cool and dry environment in Montana is ideal for producing high quality, certified organic lentils, grains and seeds. Montana is the United State number one lentil producer. Organic lentils from Montana are grown on dry land farms where they are never irrigated, only watered by a scant 12” to 14” of annual precipitation.
2. Certified with USDA Organic Regulation by Montana Department of Agriculture, USA

Raw ingredients are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, growth hormones, sewage sludge, irradiation, fumigants and genetic engineering (genetically modified organisms or GMOs). It is certified with USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) National Organic Programs to assure that they are grown and processed according to strict USDA organic regulations standards by Montana Department of Agriculture, USA.

3. Rich in both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber to support digestive health

Dietary fiber is the parts of plant food that is not digested in the small intestine. Dietary fiber moves in the large intestine and colon where it is fermented by good bacteria. Both soluble and insoluble fibers are important elements for our health. However, each food consists of different amount of both fibers. Hence, it is best to consume a wide variety of high-fiber foods to achieve a balanced dietary fiber intake. An ideal ratio should contain 3:1 insoluble fiber: soluble fiber.
4. A unique and advanced naturopathic formulation that provides balanced nutrients

Well3 Neoganik Vegetable Powder consists of natural plant-based ingredients that were formulated to provide our body’s essential dietary requirement and balanced nutrients for optimal health. It comprises of 6 main beneficial groups which are grains, enyzmes, seeds, vegetable, food fibers, fruits and honey. The functional food also replenishes the body with other essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals for optimum health.
5. Added with Wheat Fiber, Resistant Dextrin, Chia Seeds and Inulin

Well3 Neoganik Vegetable Powder is upgraded with 4 new ingredients:1. Wheat Fiber
Wheat fibers are multifunctional dietary fiber concentrates on wheat base with total dietary fiber content up to 9

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Weight :

Parcel Size :
20cm 18cm 18cm

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