Laurel Wheat SOB Admin portal
| This admin portal consists of confidential information. Do not share this page with others. Anyone with this url address is able to see this page but not able to login to the respective pages unless has the access right. |
| Red Mart partner Red Mart seller center. |
| NTUC seller NTUC seller center.
| Online listing fees This application tool gives you an overview of the online service fee charges for the online platforms managed by DotDeshop.
| NTUC sales This is the Dropbox folder consists of the NTUC order fulfilment information. The data will be uploaded by LW administrator and view by DD administrator. After viewing, DD administrator will delete the files and folder to free up the Dropbox memory.
| Red Mart sales This is the Dropbox folder consists of the Redmart order fulfilment information. The data will be uploaded by LW administrator and view by DD administrator. After viewing, DD administrator will delete the files and folder to free up the Dropbox memory.
| Payment Advice This folder consists the payment advice from Laurel Wheat. The data will be uploaded by LW administrator and view by DD administrator. After viewing, DD administrator will delete the files and folder to free up the Dropbox memory.
| SOB sales This Dropbox folder consists of the SOB sales statement and payment. The data will be uploaded by DD administrator monthly and verified by LW administrator. After verified, LW administrator will delete the files to free up the Dropbox memory.
| SOB sales This WeiYun folder consists of the SOB sales statement and payment. The data will be uploaded by DD administrator monthly and verified by LW administrator. After verified, LW administrator will delete the files to free up the Dropbox memory.
| Web-base inventory (Laurel Wheat) This is the text-base database using the text files to manage the incoming and outgoing data without any commercial database like SQL.
Any incoming and outgoing stock will be scanned and updated to the web server. Therefore the data shown on the web page will be the real time data.
| Order statement This is the webbase shipping label generator. Mainly to prevent errors in the shipping. It should be filled up by the buyer but can also be done by 3rd party. This generator will send emails to DotDeshop admin, Laurel Wheat admin, and the buyer for acknowledgement. The shipping label will be directly printed from the email to avoid mistake.
| Sales charts This Google drive Excel file records the sales revenues. The figures are presented in the sales charts for monitoring. Update the revenues monthly after closing. The will give the members the indications of the sales performance. |