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Lim Song Kee
280 Woodlands Industrial Park E5,
#08-34 Harvest@Woodlands
Singapore 757322
9647 5331

This portal consists of all your sales information and data.

Purchases & Sales chart
Social Media:

Seller Centers:

Price List
This price list consists of the OEM price and other recommend selling prices.

2023 Price List with 8% GST
This is the recommended list prices with 8% GST increase in 2023. The actual selling prices is sligthly higher than the original selling prices due to the round up. Please take note that some of the selling prices will remain the same in 2024 when GST increase to 9% due to the round up.

Invoices and Credit notes
This open invoices & credit notes summary is for your verification and reference.

Delete them after download to keep the folders clean.

Aging invoices and Credit Notes
This open invoices and credit notes summary is for your verification and reference.

Invoice and Credit list
Print, view, and monitor invoices and credits online.

** Beta Release **