Gobelco AG
Distributor portal
Selffix social media: |
Selffix website | |
Selffix Facebook | |
Selffix Shopee | |
Selffix outlets |
Seller Center: |
Outlet Contacts | Selffix outlet contact list This is the contact list of outlet Managers, Team leaders and staffs. The icon may link to the contact person Whatsapp or webpag. |
Singapore webpage This webpage consists of information about the distributors and resellers in Singapore. It creates awareness of your company present in Singapore. Please keep the information updated by email to dotd3sign@yahoo.com. This web page will be updated accordingly. | |
Product information This Dropbox folder consists of product price list, Flyers, and barcodes. | |
| 2023 Price List with 8% GST This is the recommended list prices with 8% GST increase in 2023. The actual selling prices is sligthly higher than the original selling prices due to the round up. Please take note that some of the selling prices will remain the same in 2024 when GST increase to 9% due to the round up. |
| Order form This the order form for the outlets |
| Dot Design - Invoice and Credit list Print, view, and monitor invoices and credits online. |
| Dot Deshop - Invoice and Credit list Print, view, and monitor invoices and credits online. |
| Gobelco - Business Suite This Business Suite is an online integrated application tools provided by Dot Design for partners to manage the businesses. ** Ongoing development ** |