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Bookkeeping & Accounting
Saint On

This portal provides the access to the Dot Design sales documents and records. It is meant for easy communication with the members. Drop box and Google drive are the main storage places for the information. Members have to be invited to gain access.
For any access request, please email to dotd3sign@yahoo.com .

Bookkeeping Data:

   Dot Design Pte Ltd Sales data
This folder consists of 2 excel files. The sales records and F5 form.

Web-base Business Suite (Dot Design Pte Ltd)
Dot Design Business suite is an integrated application tools for business. It provides not only the tools for Bookkeeping, Accounting, inventory, warehousing, e-commerce guides, administration, and more.This application tools will be an ongoing development project that will integrate the latest business tools needed to keep the business sustainable.

** Ongoing development **

Open Invoice and Credit list (Dot Design Pte Ltd)
Print, view, and monitor invoices and credits online.

Web-base Business Suite (Public)
Dot Design Business suite is an integrated application tools for business. It provides not only the tools for Bookkeeping, Accounting, inventory, warehousing, e-commerce guides, administration, and more.This application tools will be an ongoing development project that will integrate the latest business tools needed to keep the business sustainable.

** Ongoing development **