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These free gifts are created for backers from BackerCity. Please indicate the code at the left top for the gifts.

Free gift code: SB-004

This is the chokeless sink strainer for the 3.5" sink waste. It is made of POM material that used in automotive industrial. It is UV resistant and can be used in outdoor.

Limited to first 800 backer.

Free gift code: SB-008

This is the chokeless sink strainer. It is used in washing basin. The existing basin only have a stopper and not able to capture hairs or rings. Do remove the stopper and replace it with this basin strainer. Similarly, it is made of POM material.

Limited to first 1000 backer.

Free gift code: SB-010

Chokeless floor trap is replace the existing floor trap cover. However, it is also can be used in kitchen sink with a big opening. It is made of POM material as well.

Limited to first 400 backer.